Rapid Prototyping & Reverse Engineering.
Rapid Prototyping (RP) refers to a group of techniques to quickly fabricate a part or an assembly using three-dimensional
CAD data. In all these techniques, materials are added and bonded layer after layer to obtain the prototype.
Introducing UNIGRAPHICS NX2-Live project.
Unigraphics NX is one of the most advanced CAD/CAM software that delivers next generation high end design and other related
applications vis-à-vis modeling,assembling, drafting and manufacturing etc. for more effective transformations in the product
development process.Its leading edge design tools work in the context of the total development effort, fully integrating design
with the other disciplines that bring products to market in a unified and managed environment.
Future Belongs To Nanos.
The future belongs to machines built at molecular scales;if we develop tools to engineer them.We live in a world of machines.Now
time has come to scale down these machines to nano-sized machines, devices that function at molecular or even atomic level...
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Fundamentals of Cooling Towers by Er.B.K Sahu
Cooling Towers are extremely necessary in industries dealing with power generation and similar fields where a lot of heat
is dissipated ,which become necessary to be eliminate dto make the working substance useable....